2014-2015 Louisiana Fishing Reports

August 16, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

This past week I had Mr. Bob and Mrs. Jane Sturzaker come all the way from Australia for a Louisiana Fishing and Fly Fishing Trip. On the first 2 days we stayed in the interior marsh in my flats skiff and concentrated on sight fishing redfish on the fly rod. We’ve been having record heat, so the early morning is prime time for cruising fish in the shallows. Each day we had good action up until around 10:00 and then the fish would go down and the catching came to a screeching halt. My anglers did good for the their first time ever chasing redfish on the fly, with both Bob and Jane catching a couple each day. On days 3 and 4 we opted for the bay boat and a little spin fishing action for the bigger bull redfish, and the fish did not disappoint. The Sturzakers have caught a lot of fish in Australia and other parts of the world, and they were impressed by the power of our redfish. Nothing like that initial take of a big bull redfish on light tackle and the line screaming off the reel. If you want to get in on some of this action, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

August 6, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Last Thursday-Friday I had my good customer and friend Sir David Bates and his lifelong friend Dr. Mark with me down in Venice, Louisiana for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. David likes to catch BIG fish and really doesn’t care what type of fish it is. We were going to venture off to some of the nearshore platforms, but the winds were a little brisk and kept us from doing that. We just had to settle for big bull redfish on light tackle and it’s safe to say that Dr. Mark and Sir David were satisfied with that. There were a bunch of sharks in the area that would periodically try to take the big Bulls off the lines, and this led to some spectacular displays as the big bull redfish would leap into the air while trying to escape. Every time I see this I wonder why redfish don’t jump for the heck of it. They can, I just wish they would! Lol This is prime time for big bull redfish action. If you want in on it, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more details.

August 5, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Last week I had Newlywed Mr. and Mrs. JC Stelzer on a 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip for big bull redfish. Day 1 was a little tough with only a few big fish coming to the boat, but Days 3 and 4 were full of drag screaming action. JC and Jessica had several doubles and multiple single hookups on 15-30+ pound bull redfish. There is nothing I like better than seeing the smiles on people’s faces when a big bull redfish takes off and makes the drag scream. I have some days open in the next few weeks, so go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more details.

July 28, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Monday I had Sam from Jackson, MS and his good friend Matthew from Huntington Beach, CA down for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. It was Matthews first time fishing for redfish, so the obvious goal for the day was to make sure that Matthew got to experience what red fishing in Louisiana is all about. As is typically the case down in Venice, Louisiana, it didn’t take long to meet our goal. In the morning we stumbled on some nice slot sized fish, so the guys decided to take some home for dinner. Once we got what we needed, we went in search of the big bull redfish and it didn’t take long to find them. Matthew was really surprised by the power of these fish and really enjoyed the day. He has fished all over the world and he told me that his trip with me was undoubtedly one of the best trips that he has ever had. That is why I do what I do. Thanks guys, see you again in the Fall.

July 12, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Tuesday and Wednesday we had a 4 boat Louisiana Fishing Trip down in Venice, Louisiana. On day 1 I was already booked with another group, bit all boats did well catching speckled trout, slot redfish and big bull #redfish. On day 2, I fished the group and all of us did well on speckled trout and redfish. The highlight of the day for my guys where the big bull redfish. After we caught all the trout they wanted, they asked if I could put them on some big reds. The wind had picked up a little, and I wasn’t sure if it would happen, but you don’t know, if you don’t go, so off we went. The water was a little choppy and dirty, but I got real lucky a saw a redfish smash a baitfish on the surface. As soon as the guys started casting it was on. We caught and related bull redfish for 45 minutes to end the day. August is prime time for big bull redfish. Go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

July 3, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

I had John Johnson, along with his sons Scott and Kyle on a Louisiana Fishing Trip with me Tuesday and Wednesday. John had never caught a #redfish before, so that was his goal. There are no guarantees when #fishing, but let’s just say I wasn’t very concerned about meeting that goal. We had decent weather, a good tide, and typically that’s all it takes to put fish in the boat. Sure enough, after we got over a Tuesday morning full of shark hook ups, we got on some reds and John caught the first of many redfish he and his boys would catch over the two days. Still have some prime dates available in August. Go to www.LouisianaFishingTrip.com for more information. Happy #4thofJuly!

June 28, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Wednesday-Thursday I helped out my buddy Capt. Bobby Warren with a Louisiana Fishing Trip that consisted of a group of guys from Mississippi headed up by Dr. Jeff Almand. On Wednesday morning the thunder storms popped up pretty early in the morning and didn’t allow us to move around very much. As soon as the line of storms moved in the wind picked up and made the water a little choppy in the area I was fishing. Thankfully, my crew boated several nice #redfish before the area became to rough to fish. On day 2 the guys had us meet them out at Breton Island were they had spent the night on a 60′ Hatteras that another friend of theirs had brought over from Alabama. Both boats did real well with countless numbers of big bull redfish, trout, and even some sharks that added to the excitement. If you want to get in on the action, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

June 23, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

I had Mr. Steve Griffin from Lewisville, TX along with his buddies Dean and Ron earlier this week for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. Mr. Steve has been #fishing with me for years and #redfish are always the target. Day 1 was pretty good, with lots of big bull redfish giving the guys all they could handle, but the weather moved in early and ran us back to the dock. On day 2 we were in thick schools of bait most of the day, but had a hard time finding the fish. We kept plugging, and thankfully we were rewarded with some good action to end the day, which included Dean catching a personal best of 37 lbs. We have a few dates available in July-August, so if you want to get in on the action, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com.

June 21, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

I had Lloyd and Lucinda Lowe with me for a 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip. Lloyd has fished our area before, but never with me as his guide. We had 3 very consistent days of fishing with Lloyd and Lucinda each catching several nice #redfish each day. It wasn’t non-stop action with many of our fish coming by way of sight fishing to the fish in 8-10 inches of water. They were blown away by being able to see the bright orange redfish rush their gold spoons in the gin clear water and were obviously excited at each strike. The sight fishing is good right now and will only get better as we move toward the fall. Go to https://www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information on #fishing and #flyfishing.

July-August-September Teaser – Check out the video below for an idea of what can be expected!

June 20, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

I’m a little behind on my Louisiana Fishing Trip reports. At any rate, I had Phillip and Damon down fishing with us and big bull #redfish were the target. Fortunately for us, even though the weather was not perfect, the fishing did not disappoint. The guys caught plenty big mature redfish both days they fished and went home with a new appreciation for Venice, LA redfishing. Thanks for the business guys, and we look forward to fishing with you in the future. If you’re looking to get in on some awesome redfish action, go to www.Louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

June 12, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Last weekend I had Beas, Daryl, and Rickey on board for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. In the morning, I asked the guys what they wanted to do. Did they want to go look for small trout and redfish that they could keep, or did they want to go for bigger fish. They said that they wanted to catch fish, and the bigger the better. With that in mind I headed down river, but there were some thunderstorms in the area, as is often the case this time of year, so I couldn’t go where I had originally intended. Our first couple of stops produced a few big bull #redfish, but the water was choppy and a bit dirty, so I decided to make a move to a more protected area and it paid off. The guys had a great time catching plenty big line stripping bull redfish. It’s summertime and these big bull redfish will be doing their thing for the next several months. Give us a call at 504-382-2711 504-382-2711 or go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information. #HappyFriday!

Shallow Water Sight Fishing

June 5, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Had Matthew Fontane and crew with us on Wednesday for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. We started the morning by getting on the big bull redfish, with Matthew and his fishing partner hooking these line stripping brutes 2 at a time. The action slowed as the tide quit rising, so we decided to take a boat ride to cool off. We bounced around from spot to spot and when the tide started falling, we found a spot that held some smaller reds and speckled trout and were able to finish the day off with some fast action. Summer Dates are filling up fast, so don’t hesitate if you want to get in on some of the action. Go to https://www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information. Today is World Environment Day. Do your part to ensure a future for our children.

June 2, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Saturday and Sunday Capt. Ross Barkhusrt and I had the privilege of taking Bruce Woodward and his brothers on another successful Louisiana fishing trip. Day 1 was a little tough for my boat, but Capt. Ross could do no wrong. Day 2 was on fire from the start and the action continued nonstop until the storms ran us in around 11:30. If you want to get in on the action go to https://www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information. #PlacesTosee #fathersday gift idea.

May 21, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished up a 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip with Bill and William Seals of Dallas, Tx. We started off on Days 1 and 2 with some Louisiana Fly Fishing action for #redfish in shallow water on the flats skiff. The guys ended up catching a few each day, but the fish just weren’t very cooperative. Most of the fish we saw didn’t even look at the fly, despite having the fly put right on their noses. Oh well, sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug. So with that in mind after day 2, we decided to mix it up on day 3 and switch to my bay boat with bull redfish our intended target. Bill and William fish with me every year, but have only fished with me once on my bay boat last Fall when the weather made us scratch the fly fishing. Well, after yesterday, it won’t be there last. The guys had their hands full with big bull redfish all morning long and Bill, who’s fished a over the world, was amazed how many 20+ pound fish they were able to boat before 12:00, when we called it a day. Bill and William will be back in October, and they liked yesterday so much that Bill asked if he could add a 4th day onto that trip. NO PROBLEM! Thanks guys and I’ll see you in October. If you want to mix it up with a little fly fishing/spin fishing combination trip, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com!

May 17, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today was day 2 for the Josh Bray group Louisiana Fishing Trip via +Tailwaters Fly Fishing​. Yesterday we had 3 boats out and it was tough going for 2 out of 3 boats. I can only speak for myself, but I just couldn’t get much of anything going no matter where I went. Sometimes it’s just that way, and if anyone tells you that they never have a bad day, they’re lying! At any rate, today was a different day and I got Lucky. I say lucky, because it wasn’t long after I put the trolling motor over that each of my guys were hooked up on 20+ pound reds. It continued that way for a while with all 3 boats getting in on a bit of the action. Its always nice to see other boats catching fish, particularly when they’re full of your friends. The fishing will only get better as we get into the Summer, so go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com, for more information.

May 16, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

A few pics from the last Louisiana Fishing Trip we took. Had a great bunch of guys from Chicago with us who wanted to catch some Louisiana #redfish. Had a little weather to contend with, but we dodged the rain and ended up with several of the guys catching personal bests. They’ve caught redfish in Florida before, but are in awe of the quantity and quality of the fish we have here. These guys are fishing again today and I’ve already been told by them that they will be back. For more information, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com

May 14, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

2nd day of the Bob Mundlin group and lots of fish came to the net on today’s Louisiana Fishing Trip! Tried to catch some big bull #redfish, by they eluded me today. Thankfully I stumbled on a pile of 6-10 pound redfish that gave my guys all the action they could handle. Go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information on how you can book your Summer trip before all the dates are gone. #JustSaying

May 13, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Day 1 of a 2 day Louisiana fishing trip with Bob Mundlin and the Lifetime Benefits Insurance group out of Grapevine, TX. We had 4 boats on the water chasing #redfish today and all the boats finished the day with some happy anglers. As is often the case when fishing, today patience was the key. We fished several spots that showed promise, but it wasn’t until the tide flipped in our favor and started falling that we really got on them. We will be looking for the same type of action tomorrow so wish us luck. If you want to get in on some Summer time action down in Venice, La, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

May 7, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I had Larry and Linda Abbott on board for a Louisiana fishing trip and redfish were our target. I met the Abbott’s during my college years and had many good times with their family which includes their sons Larry Jr. and Charles, daughter Kimberly, and son-in-law Keith Hill. Fond memories indeed. Mr. Larry bought a fly fishing trip that I donated to the New Orleans chapter of Ducks Unlimited, but unfortunately, the wind was a bit stiff for the fly and the high rising tide gave the fish many places to hide. Thankfully we found a few hungry redfish that were more than happy to take a gold spoon reeled through the heavy grass. Again, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will give us clear skies and heavy winds. Got a crew in from Denver, Colorado that can get it done if the fish come out to play. Go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information.

May 6, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished day two of my Louisiana Fly Fishing trip with my guys from Texas. I was hoping that the sunny skies would give us a better chance of seeing more #redfish, and it did, but the fish were just not cooperative. Despite the stiff winds, we were able to see many fish, but even a perfect presentation of the fly could not entice a single fish. After several hours of shots at fish, with no takers, the guys picked up the spinning rods and made some casts. Within a matter of 15 minutes they boated 3 nice redfish. Go figure. Some days it is just that way, and that’s why its called fishing. Oh well, despite not being able to capitalize on the fly, the guys had a great time just seeing and trying to get the fish to take the fly. If you want to get in on some fly fishing, sight fishing, or top water action for Louisiana redfish, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com. Don’t forget about #MothersDay!

May 5, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

It was day one of my Louisiana fly fishing trip with John and Stewart from Austin Texas. I was hoping to get out early and avoid the winds that were forecasted to pick up during the day, by the time we got the boat in the water the winds were howling. Fishing was tough, but we were persistent and my guys managed to get some shots some good quality Louisiana #redfish and put a few in the boat. We will be out there again today and hopefully with a little bit more sun we will see more fish, get a lot more shots, and be able to capitalize on those shots. If you want to get in on some spin fishing or fly fishing action give us a call or check out the website www.louisianafishingtrip.com. We are now taking bookings for July and August. #Tuesday

April 27, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished up a 3 day Louisiana Fishing trip with the Closson brothers Cal and Brad, and Cal’s son Erik. These guys like big Louisiana redfish, and the fish did not disappoint. I think each of the guys caught a personal best this trip and it was my pleasure to fish them as usual. If you’ve never been down to Louisiana and tangled with these big redfish, but have often thought about it, give me a call. I’ll answer all your questions and explain just how easy it is to get in on the action. #redfish #motivationmonday

April 23, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Had a great Louisiana Fly Fishing trip yesterday with Jason Pignolet who was in town for his girlfriends birthday celebration that included the great #touristattraction #JazzFest. Good for him he got a hall pass and was able to get in some sight fishing for some chunky Louisiana redfish. A lot of the fish we saw were tailing in thick grass, which made it tough to present a fly to them, but Jason was on point and managed to boat a good number of fish. If you want to get in on some awesome sight fishing action, go to www.louisianafishingtrip.com for more information. Don’t let people tell you that the sight fishing is only good in the Fall or Winter. They don’t know what they are talking about!

April 20, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished up a 2 day Louisiana Fishing Trip with Cade, Colt, and their dad Craig Chapin. This was the guys first visit to fish in Louisiana and thankfully enough big bull redfish showed up to put some big smiles on their faces. The weather has given us fits lately with more rain than sunshine, but its shaping up to be a good spring and summer season.

April 10, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I finished up a 3 day Louisiana Fly Fishing trip for redfish with David and Eric from Texas. These guys have been friends a long time and every time they fish with me its a bunch of laughs! I always enjoy this time of year because the fish are typically floating high in the water and are much more visible and brightly colored than they are in the winter. Its cool to watch these bronze bombers crush a well placed fly!

March 23, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Just a few photos from this weekends Louisiana Fly Fishing Trip. It was sight fishing at its best, just wish the sun would have stayed out all day long. Spring is here, so if you’ve been thinking about it, book your Louisiana fishing trip or Louisiana Fly Fishing trip today.

March 19, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I had Alex Matisse onboard for a little Louisiana Fly Fishing for redfish. The action today was about as good as it gets as far as I am concerned. We started the day by sight casting to 8-15 pound tailing redfish in 8-10″ of gin clear water in the marsh and finished the day sight casting to 25-30 pound redfish cruising in 2′ of water. What made it even better is that all of the fish were caught, photoed, and released.

March 17, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Had a good Louisiana fishing trip on the fly, despite some less than cooperative redfish. Its not typical for us to see so many refusals, but every now and then we get one of those days. If you like to catch, photo, and release some fish on the fly, give me a call to book your fishing trip today.

February 24, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

 Fishing has been good in between the fronts, and even on the cold, windy days, we have been seeing some decent action on our Louisiana fishing trips. Spring is on the way, so if you’ve been thinking about it, book your Louisiana fishing trip or Louisiana Fly Fishing trip today. #redfish #travel #trip #tours #vacation #louisiana #explore

February 17, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Last week I had Tommy and Charlie down for some Louisiana Fly Fishing. These guys said they were jinxed when it came to fishing, and it did blow hard 2 out of the 3 days they were here, but they ended up breaking the jinx. Both guys managed personal bests with several fish in the 25-35 pound class and lots of shots at other fish. I’m looking forward to our next trip. Happy Mardi Gras! #MardiGras #Traveltuesday #Attractions

February 15, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

 Another great couple of days of Louisiana Fly Fishing with a big group from my buds at Tailwaters Fly Fishing. I’m a little tardy with this post because I had to wait for pictures from the group. Day 1 was tough, but days 2-4 were good for everyone with lots of fish coming to the boat. Spring is not far away, so book your trip today. Happy Mardi Gras! #Traveltuesday #explore #MardiGras

January 29, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Another successful Louisiana Fishing Trip for big #redfish down here in Plaquemines, Parish Louisiana. Jeremy and Shaun closed it out with a bang last weekend catching some really nice fish while #flyfishing. Had some camera issue, so it took me a while to get the pics up, but it was worth the wait. Posted 2 pics of the beast Shaun caught so that you could get a better idea of the size of the fish. Any guesses? #wednesday #valentinesday2015 #placestovisit #touristattraction

January 29, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

I have Shaun and Jeremy from Bozeman, Montana down for a week long Louisiana Fly Fishing Trip for #redfish. These guys have never done and saltwater #flyfishing, but they are getting the hang of it quick. More pics to follow. If you want to get out of the harsh winter weather and are looking for #placestovisit give us a call. New Orleans has always been a #touristattraction and our fishing is top notch.

January 22, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

With me Tuesday-Wednesday for a Louisiana Fishing Trip were Don and Bill from Texas. The weather was beautiful, but the #redfish #fishing was a little tough. We saw plenty of fish, but most of them refused to bite. Some days it’s just like that. All you can do is keep plugging away and make the most of the fish that do want to cooperate. A few days off to take care of some business on land and then back at it for the weekend. #Throwbackthursday.

January 12, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Just finished up several days of Louisiana Fly Fishing for #redfish. Despite less than favorable weather conditions, particularly for #flyfishing, the guys managed to boat some nice redfish. The #fishing has been really good in between fronts, and even on the tough weather days, we have been making it happen. Still have some days available in the next few months and am starting to book up for the Spring. Give me a call or drop me an email if you want to get in on the action.

January 7, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished up the first Louisiana fishing trip of 2015. Tim and Karen Reed came over from Houston to do two days of #redfish #flyfishing. Monday the #fishing was marred by stiff winds and cloudy skies that made seeing the fish near to impossible. The day ended with one fish broke off, one fish boated on a spinning rod, and several fish that showed no interest. Yesterday was a little better. Weather was nicer and my crew managed to boat several nice reds and nice fish on the fly. If those of you in colder climates want to get out of the house for a few days, we still have some dates available in January and February.

December 28, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Helped out my buddy Capt. Eddie Adams with a family group out of Connecticut on today’s Louisiana Fishing Trip. Conditions were unseasonably warm and foggy. The fish weren’t up moving around today and it was very hard to see them without the sun. Fortunately we were able to boat a few, including the pair of 13 pounders in the pictures. We will back at it again on Tuesday and hopefully the sun will be out and give us a little help. #louisianafishingtrip

December 23, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I finished up a good 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip with Mike and Ryan Roth from Pennsylvania. These guys have fished with me the last few years and we always have a good time. Typically Mike will fly fish while Ryan throws a spinning rod. This year the plan was to have Ryan fly fish as well, with the goal being catching his first ever redfish on the fly. As luck would have it, the weather the first 2 days was less than favorable for fly fishing, so we decided to go spin fishing in the big boat, and it was a decision neither Mike or Ryan would regret. The guys caught the heck out of big bull #redfish with multiple double hook-ups each day. Yesterday, was our last chance at getting Ryan a red on the fly so we gave it a shot. Luckily for us, there was enough periods of sun to allow us to get some shots at some really nice fish and Ryan managed to see, cast to, and land a nice 17 pound redfish. Not bad for his first time ever fly fishing. Mike also got in on the action, catching 2 really good fish, including his personal best of 27 pounds. Have a Merry Christmas guys, and I look forward to fishing with both of you again in the future.

December 12, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Day 1 of my 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip with the LaFontaines and big bull #redfish were our target. When Matt told me that neither he, nor his dad had ever caught a #redfish before, I knew today would be a fun and rewarding day. It started out a little slow, but got better and better as the day went on. That’s what I love about this time of the year. No need to leave the dock at the crack of dawn, because the fish will typically bite better as the surface water temperature rises a bit. Weather is supposed to be stable the next few days so hopefully the good fishing will continue along with the screaming drags and big smiles!

December 9, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday and today I had Pat and Kevin Harrell from Chicago down to do a Louisiana Fishing Trip for big bull #redfish. These guys are always a joy to fish with because they are all about having a good time no matter if the fish are biting or not. Funny thing is, its usually clients with that attitude that have the best luck with the fish. No pressure, no problem! At any rate, the guys put a hurting on the 20-30 pound redfish. As per how many, can’t really say but I do know that I heard both the guys complaining about their hands hurting. Wonder why? Give us a call to book your next Louisiana fishing or fly fishing charter. We got it all covered!

December 2, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

The day before yesterday I was lucky enough to have Jason and Joe on board to do dome Louisiana Fly Fishing. It was a beautiful day so we decided to target big fish. Unfortunately for us, we had lots of shots, but less than interested participants. Oh well, sometimes it goes that way. No worries, the guys still managed to each catch a personal best of 25+ pounds.

November 20, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Had Rick Finke and Lou Hegedus down from Fort Collins, CO to do a little Louisiana Fly Fishing for #redfish. The guys were supposed to fish Monday-Today, but the weather on Monday was not good for fly fishing. Tuesday was marginal with high winds and a wind chill in the low 30’s, but we gave it a go and managed to boat 12 nice fish. The weather got nicer each day and all the guys boated over 50 fish total in 3 days. All of the fish were caught sight fishing to single fish or small groups in less than 1 foot of water. That is what Louisiana Fly Fishing is all about

November 9, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

My guys wanted nothing but big #redfish on today’s Louisiana Fly Fishing trip. These guys have been fishing with me for years, and it’s always the same, “Big fish or bust!” Well, it was bust the last 2 days. Just didn’t have the conditions we needed, so the shots were few and far between. Thankfully the weather was more in our favor today and the guys made it count. We have one more day tomorrow, so wish us luck.

November 5, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today was the second day of my Louisiana Fly Fishing trip with Bill and William Seals of Dallas. They fish with me every year and each year we have more fun than the year before. We take what the weather gives us and always end up having some pretty good days sight fishing #redfish in 8-10″ of water. Nothing like stalking those fish and watching them take the fly. Never gets old.

October 24, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday we finished up a 3 day Louisiana fly fishing trip with Henry and Gip from Texas. These guys fixed with me last February and dealt with some horrible weather. This time the weather wasn’t perfect, with high winds, but at least they had sun each day. We plugged away each day, catching 30 or so reds in total. The guys have rebooked for next year and I’m praying for good weather. Thanks guys and I’ll see you next year of not sooner.

October 20, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today was the last day of a 4 day Louisiana Fly Fishing Trip for our crew from Tennessee and North Carolina, and we closed out with some nice Louisiana #redfish on the fly. Despite the high winds yesterday, I was able to find some decent water and the guys capitalized on most of their shots today. I was happy for Galen Kipar. It was his first time to fish with us, and the previous two days he was jinxed when it came to getting a big bull redfish to the boat. Well, today we broke that jinx. Thanks for coming guys. See you again next year.

October 17, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

What a nice day for a Louisiana Fly Fishing trip. Had Ben and Tom on board with me yesterday morning and the weather couldn’t have been any better for doing a little #redfishing on the fly. The only problem we had yesterday was the shear numbers of black drum that decided to invade the area we were fishing. Not a bad problem to have, unless you’re a fish snob and don’t like the idea of watching a 20+ pound fish tail up and suck in a fly. Really, these fish don’t get enough credit, but then again, neither did redfish years ago. Now we have people from all over the world coming to our small coastal community to catch them. I sometimes wish it was like it used to be, but it is what it is. At any rate, the fishing was good and several fish over 20 pounds came to the boat. We will be at it again in a few hours, so wish us luck.

October 16, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday I had another pair of new comers to Louisiana Fly Fishing, one of whom had never done any sight fishing with a fly rod despite living on the water in Florida. Needless to say, he was blown away by our marshes down here in Venice, Louisiana, and loved hearing about the area and its history. They had some shots at big fish, but it was a bit tough closing the deal. Nevertheless, they were able to catch plenty of fish with the biggest going 17 pounds.

October 15, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

On Wednesday I had Mr. John and Mrs. Robin down from Colorado for a Louisiana Fly Fishing trip. It was their first time, so as usual, I asked if they wanted to chase Big Bull #redfish, or of they just wanted to catch fish. To my delight they said they didn’t care about big, they just wanted to fish, so fish we did. Right off the bat we got into the fish and ended up boating 15 in the 6-10 pound class in a few short hours. Not bad for their first time redfishing.

October 14, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Sunday and Monday I had the group from Wintech in Monett, Missouri down to Venice, Louisiana for a Louisiana Fishing Trip. These guys have been fishing with me for years and have stuck with me through good times and bad. Monday was as good as it gets these days with a good number of slot reds and big bull #redfish 2 at a time. Yesterday started off good, with bull redfish doing their thing despite strong winds, but it got tougher as the winds picked up and we called it a day around 1:30 with smiles on everyone’s face and a rough but thrilling boat ride back to Cypress Cove Marina.

October 11, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Friday and Saturday Capt. Eddie, Capt. Tristan, and I fished a great group of guys from the San Francisco area on a Louisiana Fly Fishing trip for Louisiana #redfish. Numbers of 5-10 pound fish were aggressively feeding both days, but the big 20-30 pound fish were less than cooperative. Nevertheless, everyone had a great time. In fact, all the guys were blown away by the number of shots they had each day. Thanks guys and we will hopefully see you again next year.

October 6, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I helped out Capt. Ross Barkhurst with a great bunch of guys from Tennessee on a Louisiana Fishing trip. Yesterday they went offshore and slammed the tuna and today they were here to catch big bull #redfish. We didn’t have a bunch of tide today and the water was filthy from all the winds the last couple of days, so I knew it was going to be a tough day. We started with a few small reds and the guys kept plugging away until I found some big line stripping reds for them to yank on. Not a bad way to finish up two days of fishing.

October 2, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Got a little behind on my Louisiana fishing trip reports. Finished up last Thursday with Mike Roth and John Irwin. Our goal Tuesday-Thursday were big Louisiana Bull #redfish, but they gave us the slip. No worries though as the guys managed to boat lots of nice 10-15 lb reds during the 3 days. Mike, I’ll see you in December. John, let’s keep in touch. Thanks again guys.

October 1, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Not a bad day of Louisiana Fly Fishing for #redfish doe here in Venice, Louisiana. Have Mike from Pennsylvania and Jon from South Carolina down with me fly fishing for 3 days. This time of year the Mississippi River is typically at its lowest and this means plenty of clear water and schools of hungry redfish roaming the shallows and feeding on large schools of baitfish that are found along our coast. Well, Mother Nature has thrown us a curve ball in the form of a high river level that has dumped plenty of dirty water into our area. This means that the typical sight fishing we would do for the big mature bull redfish has become more challenging. I did lots of running looking for the mother load of fish, but ended up having to scramble in the end to make it happen. We will be after them again today.

September 22, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday and today I had David and Richard down on a two day Louisiana fishing trip. The target for both days was big Venice, Louisiana bull #redfish. Yesterday the high winds made it tough for me to put the guys on the fish like I wanted to, but we still managed to catch a few nice reds and a few nice trout. Today a little change in wind direction made all the difference in the world. Once we found the fish, with the help of Captain Ritchie Taranto, the catching started, and we never had to leave the area. We made several passes and the guys where each able to boat several fish in the 20+ pound range, with the biggest fish of the day topping out at just over 30 pounds. Give us a call and we will help you catch big mature redfish on light tackle or on the fly rod.

September 18, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Had a 2 boat Louisiana fishing trip with a bunch of great guys from California yesterday down in Venice, Louisiana. The weather limited where we could go first thing in the morning, but Capt. Ross Barkhurst still managed to put the guys on some really nice Louisiana #redfish. Heading again this morning. Wish us luck.

September 12, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Yesterday we had another great Louisiana fishing trip down in Venice, Louisiana. September is always a transitional month, and this year is no different. The slot #redfish are making there move toward the Mississippi River and the big bull redfish are feeding heavily on bait fish in the outer bays. Call us to book you Louisiana fishing charter or Louisiana fly fishing trip today.

August 24, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I had my good friend Johnny Randazzo, his son Dominic, and his brother-in-law Scott on my boat for some Venice, Louisiana fishing trip action for big bull #redfish. Scott is from New York and had never caught a redfish before, so Johnny told me that all he wanted was for Scott to hook into 1 nice redfish. 1? Haaaaaaaaa! No problem. It was on when I pulled up and it didn’t take long for Scott to see what type of action we have down here. Another first timer who has seen the light and understands what it means to fish in Venice, Louisiana. We are truly blessed with a great estuary and a great fishery.

August 23, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today I had Evans, Bo, and Patrick over from Georgia on a Louisiana Fishing trip for big bull #redfish down here in Venice, Louisiana. Evans has fished down here for years and told the other guys how great it was, so there was a little bit of pressure to show them what Venice Fishing charters are all about. Sure enough, I got lucky again and found the big bull redfish. They guys were flabbergasted at how big these fish were and how hard they pulled. Hopefully tomorrow will deliver the same type of action.

August 18, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Today was a great day for a Louisiana fishing trip for big #redfish down in Venice, Louisiana. Biggest fish of the day was 40 pounds and the rest of the fish averaged 20-30 pounds. These fish are feeding heavily on menhaden, or pogies as they are known locally, and it amazes me at how much energy this fish have when they are gorging themselves on these bait fish. It’s something you have to experience to know what I’m talking about. If you have any questions on how we catch these fish, don’t hesitate to drop me a line!

August 17, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

On my boat for yesterdays Louisiana Fishing trip I had Joseph, Manning, and Mason. These guys just wanted to catch, and catch they did. Its was big Venice, Louisiana #redfish, one, after the other, after the other. It is so much fun watching people who have never caught a redfish tie into these big 20-30+ pound fish on light tackle. If you haven’t done it, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.

August 15, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Capt. Mark put this crew on some big Louisiana #redfish on there Louisiana fishing trip today. They started the morning by catching some keeper sized fish for the box, but ended the day by smacking the big bull redfish. You know its good when you can catch 4 of these big fish at a time. Quadrupled up!

Helped my good friend Capt. Bobby Warren out with a Louisiana fishing trip today for #redfish down in Venice, Louisiana. We stated the day off with big bull redfish as our target, and it didn’t take long to find what we were looking for. Bill and his son Joseph from Tennessee had never been down here and they were amazed at how hard these big bull redfish pulled. We will be back at it again tomorrow, hopefully with similar results. Call us today to book your Louisiana fishing trip or Louisiana fly fishing trip.

August 12, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Day before yesterday i had my friend Larry Abbott Jr., his son Crawford and father in law Tom down for a Louisiana Fishing trip. Larry is born and raised locally, but now lives in Delaware. He wanted to take Crawford his first trip to catch some Louisiana #redfish and we were lucky enough to make that happen. It was good seeing my old friend and seeing his son Crawford smile from ear to ear while he was yanking on those hard pulling redfish.

August 8, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

My customers had an epic Louisiana Fishing trip today! How many times can a customer say, “this fishing is unbelievable”? Plenty when they are hooking 20-30 pound bull #redfish 2, 3, and even 4 at a time. Don’t know how many they caught because I dont keep a real count. Don’t know how many pounds of fish total, because we don’t total fish that way down here. We catch way to many to worry about all of that. If you want to get in on this awesome action, call 504-382-2711 504-382-2711 today to book you Louisiana fishing charter or Louisiana fly fishing charter.

July 20, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Another productive Louisiana fishing trip in Venice, Louisiana. Despite another wet day, my guys managed to catch a few keeper #redfish for dinner and then caught some big bull #redfish to finish the day off. David Borchers has fished in several places in Louisiana over the years, but said yesterday, “I think that is most bull redfish I’ve ever caught!” Always like to hear that! If you like catch and release and want to watch line strip off your reel, give us a call or email for more information.

July 19, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Trip Report

Even a bunch of rain couldn’t stop us from having a good Louisiana fishing trip down in Venice, Louisiana. We tried to wait the rain out early, but it was pretty obvious that if we were going to catch some Louisiana redfish, that we would just have to get wet. Fortunately for us, the fish cooperated and all the boats going out today did well. Give me a call today if you’d like to book a Louisiana fishing or fly fishing trip!

July 10, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Louisiana Fishing Trip. Finished up with JC and Jessica. We definitely saved the best for last. Started the day with a few trout and small Venice, Louisiana Redfish, but ended the day with a bunch of big bull redfish. We have plenty of spots open in August so give us a call to book your Louisiana Charter Trip today.

July 9, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Is there anything better than a Louisiana fishing trip for big Venice, Louisiana #redfish? Had JC and Jessica on board again today. We decided to catch some keepers for dinner first, and then go look for the big bull reds. Luckily for us, they did not disappoint. I saw other Louisiana fishing charter captains catching these big fish also. Only need artificial lures to catch these fish.

July 8, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Today was day 1 of a 3 day Louisiana Fishing Trip for JC Stelzer and his girlfriend Jess. Our day was caught short by rain showers but they had a great time catching Venice, Louisiana #redfish. We will be at it again the morning. Wish us good luck!

July 7, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

On yesterday’s Louisiana fishing trip I had the pleasure of taking long time client Howard Thill and his son Howard Jr. The tide was slack when we got to our first spot of the day, but that didn’t stop the guys from boating several nice Venice, Louisiana redfish and a few speckled trout. The bite was steady all morning until we called it quits at 11:15. Call today to book you Louisiana fishing charter or fly fishing trip.

July 6, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Book your Louisiana fishing trip today for big Louisiana #redfish. The next few months will be prime time for catching these big fish on top water lures. If you haven’t done it before, call us and we will line you up on your Venice, Louisiana fishing charter.

June 29, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Another good Louisiana Fishing Trip for Venice, Louisiana #redfish! Finished up with Bobby, Fred, and Ken from Charleston, S.C. These guys were a joy to fish with and they just could not get enough of catching these big bull redfish. Bobby was amazed at how easy it was to catch these big fish on a 3/8 ounce jighead rigged with a black/chartreuse soft plastic under a Oval Snap-On Float. He said he was going to give it a try back home. Thanks guys and I’ll see you again next year.

June 27, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Had another great Louisiana Fishing trip for big Venice, Louisiana #redfish. The weather has not been great for getting after the big fish, but today we got lucky. Caught some at our first stop and ended up having some double and triple hook-ups at our second stop. These fish were cruising on top of the water and just hammered anything that got near them. July and August is the time for these big bruisers, so book you Louisiana fishing charter or Louisiana fly fishing charter today!

June 26, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

More big bull #redfish for my crew from South Carolina. The weather threw me a curve ball yesterday morning, but we still managed to have a good Louisiana fishing trip down in Venice, Louisiana.

June 25, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Yesterday was my last day of Greg and Cade Radenbaugh’s Louisiana Fly Fishing Trip. We decided to switch it up and go look for some big bull #redfish, but it just didn’t happen. No worries, we just made a move and got into a nice patch of marsh pumpkins. Another great day of Venice Louisiana Redfishing.

June 24, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

What an awesome day for some Louisiana fly fishing! Have Greg Radenbaugh and his son Cade doing a 3 day Louisiana fishing trip and Louisiana #redfish are on the menu. The conditions have not been perfect, but so far they have had 2 good days of fly fishing with 10+ fish boated each day. We will be at it again tomorrow as long as the rain doesn’t keep us in port. If you’ve ever wanted to catch a redfish on the fly, drop me a line.

June 21, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Redfish, redfish, and more #redfish. Helped another Louisiana fishing guide yesterday with a group of guys that came down for a Louisiana fishing trip. We started out looking for speckled trout, but the bite was slow so we decided to switch gears to redfish. The guys boated their limit of keeper reds and then we went and played with the big bull redfish. My guys caught plenty, including the big Venice, Louisiana redfish in the pictures.

June 19, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

So two days ago I found some big Louisiana bull #redfish, and my clients were in big #redfish heaven. Today I had Mr. and Mrs. Sid Morrison and their son Daniel and daughter-in-law Rachel on board for a Louisiana fishing trip. Yesterday I had them lined up on a Louisiana fishing charter with another captain and they did real well on smaller redfish, so today they wanted big redfish. As luck would have it, I found the fish at our first stop and it didn’t take long before my crew was keeping their hands busy with double and triple hookups. If you are looking for a Louisiana fishing guide, call us to book your Louisiana fishing trip or fly fishing trip.

June 17, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

I’m usually good for a good quote, but I’ve got to steal one from my customer Mrs. Nancy Klusman. Her and her husband Bill came down from Park City, Utah to try to catch some big Venice, Louisiana #redfish, and catch they did. She said, “you know its a good day when you stop taking pictures of 20 pound redfish!” She was right. It was a Louisiana fishing trip that any Louisiana fishing guide would be proud of. Take a look at the pictures and judge for yourself.

June 14-15, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Yesterday and today I had the Holmes crew down from Dallas and Amarillo, TX. They come with me every year and as usual, big Venice, Louisiana #redfish are on the menu. It wasn’t as good as it has been in the past, but it was still a good Louisiana fishing trip with several big bull redfish caught each day. If you want the chance to catch a 30+ pound redfish, give us a call and book Louisiana Fishing Charter or Louisiana Fly Fishing Charter.

June 12-13, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Had a family group down from Nashville, TN for some Venice, Louisiana #redfish. Some of the kids were not even born when they’re dads starting booking Louisiana Fishing Charters with us years ago, so its nice to see the kids coming down to join in on the fun.

June 11, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

This is what its all about. Had a big family group over from Texas fishing with us in Venice, Louisiana today. The guys of the family typically come down each fall/winter and do a Fly Fishing Trip, but In the Spring/Summer, the girls come along. Captain Mark and Captain Matt, did a great job putting the Girls on some nice Louisiana #redfish. Its Louisiana fishing trips like this that make it a pleasure to be a Louisiana fishing guide.

June 8-10, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Another good couple of days #redfishing down in Venice, Louisiana. It doesn’t get any better than being on a Louisiana Fishing Trip for topwater bull redfish. It was just about every cast for a couple of hours and my guys loved every minute of it! The guys even broke out the fly rods and caught several. We hardly ever use bait to catch these big Louisiana bull redfish. We dont’t need to. Catching them on light tackle and artificial lures is so much more fun! July and August are the best months for catching giant Louisiana redfish. Get in touch with us today to book your Louisiana Fishing Charter or Louisiana Fly Fishing Charter. We have only local, experienced, Louisiana Fishing Guides and Fly Fishing Guides.
June 5, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Had some great guys doing some Louisiana Fly Fishing with me today down in Venice, Louisiana. I don’t ever really know how many fish my clients boat, but today im sure it was at 20+, including this beautiful 10 pound #redfish. I love being a local Louisiana Fly fishing guide. It not only allows me to consistently put my clients on fish, despite the conditions, but also allows me to share the rich history of our area. You won’t get that if you book with an out of state fishing guide who is only here a few months out the year.

June 4, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Yesterday was the last of a 3 day trip with a group of customers headed up by Will Reagan of Oklahoma. Will has been taking Louisiana fishing trips with me for 17 years and he still can’t get enough of those Louisiana #redfish. If you are looking to do a Louisiana Fishing Charter, don’t hesitate to give me a call. We are local Louisiana Fishing guides who grew up in the area and we have been providing Louisiana Fishing Trips and Fly Fishing Trips for over 20 years.

June 1, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Another good day of #redfishing down in Venice, Louisiana. When I say good, I don’t mean numbers of fish, I mean fun. My guys wanted to do a little sight fishing for redfish and I took them to do just that, despite the cloudy skies and windy conditions. That’s what a good Louisiana Fishing Guide does on a Louisiana Fishing Trip. He asks what the customers want to do, and he then tells them what their chances are of accomplishing that goal. I don’t have to “load the boat” to have a successful Louisiana Fishing Charter.

May 30, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

My Louisiana Fishing trip canceled yesterday and today due to weather, but I had couple of other Louisiana Fishing Charters go out and not only did they dodge the rain, but they smacked the #redfish down in Venice, Louisiana. My other Louisiana Fishing Guides will be at it again tomorrow and I’ll be on the water as well.

May 21-22, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Louisiana Fishing TripLouisiana Fishing Charters
Louisiana Fly Fishing Charter
Louisiana Fly Fishing Trip

Another great day for a Louisiana fishing trip down in Venice, Louisiana. Had a great group of guys from Texas who typically fish down along the Texas coast but wanted to try a Louisiana fishing charter. After only a few hours of fishing I heard one of them say, “I think we found our Louisiana fishing guide.” I love it when new customers are satisfied before the trip is even close to being over. Take a look at some of the beautiful Louisiana #redfish they caught. 2nd day with the Bob Mundlin crew from Texas, we decided to do a little Venice, Louisiana bull redfish Fishing. If you like big redfish, we have them. Call your favorite Louisiana Fishing guide and book a Louisiana fishing trip. We have plenty of guides available to take you on a Louisiana fishing charter trip.

May 17, 2014 – Louisiana Fishing Report

Louisiana Fly Fishing TripLouisiana Fly Fishing Guide

Another great day on the water down here for a Louisiana Fly Fishing trip for redfish. My guy boated 12 and had many more shots. Got another Louisiana fly fishing charter tomorrow.

May 16, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

OK, today was a good day for a Louisiana Fishing Trip and a great day to be a Louisiana Fishing Guide. Wish everyday was like today. It was like October. 50° and sunny. Light winds. Talk about perfect conditions for a Louisiana Fly Fishing trip. It was one stop shopping today with some good Venice, Louisiana fly fishing for #redfish in crystal clear water. Nothing like seeing those pumpkins floating high in the water and watching them eat a well placed fly!

May 15, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

We called off our trip on the 14th because it rained cats and dogs. So yesterday we wake up to winds that were howling and temperatures about 20 degrees below normal. Did everything we could to talk the guys out of going, but they were determined to do some Louisiana Fly Fishing. Wind was blowing a sustained 20+ knots with gusts that just about blew me off the poling platform a couple of times. Don’t know if it was skill or luck, but I did manage to put the guys on several Venice Louisiana #redfish, including this beautiful 10 lb. Redfish.

May 12, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

The wind blew hard, hard today and the water was high, but that still didn’t stop my guys from putting some Venice, Louisiana #redfish in the boat along with a bonus black drum. Still got plenty of days available to do some Louisiana fly fishing and we are not far from New Orleans, Louisiana.

May 9, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Should have taken more pictures, but 4 people fishing at the same time keeps me busy. I was supposed to be off, but a friend of mind had a scheduling conflict so I did what I could to put these guys on some Venice, Louisiana redfish and speckled trout. It was not fast and furious, but everyone had a great time and said they would be back to do some more Louisiana fishing.

May 5-7, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Diane and her son, J.C. Stelzer were down for their annual Spring Venice, Louisiana fly fishing trip for redfish. Diane comes with her husband, Jr. in the Winter and with J.C. in the Spring. This trip they hit the weather perfect. All 3 days we had light to moderate winds and lots of sunshine. As luck would have it, they boated 12 beautiful Venice, Louisiana redfish each day. Not often you get that many good fly fishing weather days in a row.

May 4, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Today I took a great group of local guys down river to do some Venice, Louisiana fishing. I told them not to be in a big hurry because the bite had not been early lately. Sure enough, it was not an early bite, but we stuck it out and at around 9-9:30 the bite started to pick up. The guys got their arms worn out by big bull redfish and also had enough keeper reds and speckled trout to bring home for dinner.

April 30 – May 1, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Fishing is picking up. Had a father and son fish with me last week. Day 1 was real nice and the guys managed to take a few nice Venice, Louisiana redfish on the fly. We woke to day 2 with howling winds out of the north and frigid temperatures. I knew that the north winds would blow the water out and that there was a good chance I could find some fish jammed up in a little deeper water. I love it when a plan comes together. I found a group of fish at the first spot a checked and we used that pattern to put 16 redfish in the boat on what could have easily been a 1-2 fish day.

April 21-23, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Had a great group of guys down from South Carolina to do some Venice, Louisiana redfishing. Winds have been making it tough on us, but these guys got lucky and had 3 pretty good days of weather, and the fishing responded. All 3 boats did well each day, with lots of big bull redfish and enough keeper fish to let each of the guys bring a few back to South Carolina. Day 3 was particularly good for everyone as a few schools of bull redfish moved through our fishing area and had everyone on their toes with several double hookups in each boat. Thanks again guys and see you next year!

April 17-19, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Had Cal and Brad Closson down for a few days to do some Venice, Louisiana fishing for big bull #redfish. These guys come the same time each year, and just about everytime they come the weather is bad. This time was no different. Day 1 was supposed to be blowing a gale, but we got lucky in the morning and it was not as bad as was forecasted. With that being said, there was still a significant swell coming in to just about everywhere we went and we fished for hours with little or no luck. At around 10:30 I told the guys that it was tine to change zip codes, so to speak, so we settled in for a long run. Luck was on our side and the first 6 pictures above show the results. It was good action for a couple of hours before the rain built up and got us soaked on the way back to the dock. Day 2 was a wash. We did fish, but it rained on us all day long. No matter where we went, I just could not get anything going. We finally threw in the towel at around 3:00 with very little to show for our efforts except cold, wet, clothes. Day 3 was more of the same early. I made a long run to start, only to find choppy waves coming from one side of my intended fishing are, and big rolling waves coming from the other side. It was no good, and again, I had to make a long run. We fished several spots before catching a fish and I decided it was best to drop anchor and fish, fish, fish. Well, it paid off as is shown by the big bull #redfish Cal and Brad are holding in the last 6 pictures. If you want to get in on some great Venice, Louisiana fishing for big bull redfish, give me a call.

April 16, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Had two great guys fishing with me down in Venice, Louisiana today.  We got off to a late start, leaving the dock at 8:00, and then ran into another guide who had motor trouble. I gave him a tow to an areas where he could get some help, and we finally got to our first spot at about 9:30. I knew it would be slow beacuse the weather was horrible yesterday, but I told the guys hang in there and that we would put some fish in the boat.  Sure enough, we had a good time fishing for several hours, but then the guys started catching. My guys ended the day with a nice mess of Venice, Louisiana #redfish before we called it quits at around 3:00.

April 12-13, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Baylor Health Care System Group

We had a group of doctors down from the Baylor Health Care System to do some Venice Louisiana Fishing for redfish. These guys were scheduled to fish back in the Fall, but the weather was horrible with high winds and strong thunderstorms.  Well, there was no rain this time, but the winds were relentless. The wind gauges said 10, gusting to 15+, but I would have to disagree. It was more like 15 sustained, with gusts of over 20. At any rate, we did manage to buckle down and catch some redfish the Louisiana Fly Fishing way!

April 10-11, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Had Tom Mitchell and his sons Bradford and Witt down to do a little fly fishing for Venice Louisiana Redfish. Day 1 was good with several reds being caught on each boat, but day 2 was better as we were lucky enough to get some light winds and sunny skies. When fly fishing for Venice Louisiana Redfish, it helps a WHOLE bunch when you have sun light. A ggod time was had by all and the guys said they cant wait to get back down and do some Venice Louisiana Fishing.

April 8-9, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Had a great bunch of guys down from North Dakota for some Venice Louisiana Fishing. Day 1 turned out great with a mix of redfish and speckled trout, with a couple of big bull reds thrown in for good measure. Day 2 was very slow in the morning due to very gusty winds, but I managed to find a little hiding spot in the canes and ended up catching plenty of keep sized redfish for them to bring back to North Dakota.

April 4, 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Rusty with his big 40 lb. Venice Louisiana Redifsh!

Had Rusty and James down from South Carolina to do a little Venice Louisiana Fishing. The weather was definitely not in our favor, but we did manage to catch a plenty of redfish, including a couple of brutes that each weighed in at over 40 pounds. Not bad on light tackle and in shallow water. It’s warming up every day, so if you want to come down and do some Venice Louisiana Fishing, give me a call!!

March 2014 – Venice Louisiana Fishing Report

Spring Fishing is about to kick off. It was a harsh Winter, but I think that may prove to be good for the upcoming season. Its simple math. If you don’t take a bunch of fish out the water during the Winter, then there should be plenty there in the Spring! I’ll keep you posted on a weekly basis, so check in and email me if you have any questions or comments.