September 2, 2015 – Louisiana Fishing Reports

Last #Wednesday, I had Brian and Jason Edwards and Don Stearns (Sam) down in Venice with me for a Louisiana Fishing trip. My plan was to go chase the big bull #redfish while the tide was still rising and then look for some keepers once the tide turned around and started falling. It didn’t take long to locate the big bull redfish and in no time the guys were having a blast catching fish. We did this for several hours and then decided to try the keepers. Unfortunately, that was not so easy. I went to an area that had plenty fish the day before, but not on this day. The tide was a bit higher than it was the day before, so the fish were not yet I the feeding mood. We hit several spots, with only 1 keeper for our efforts, so we decided to go back to where we left the Bulls and see what we could find. Sure enough, they were still there and my guys proceeded to get into them again before we called it a day. The only thing better than good fishing, is fishing with good people, and these guys were great. Hope to see you again soon. For more information go